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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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capturing the city. as a good up until the stroke or less to tropicana her toe. christian altar makes stranded in orbit tonight as a technical glitch stops the shuttle docking with mission control says the crew is in no danger we've got the latest. cia fake afghan death squads reportedly fighting the taliban pakistan concerns about what will happen to the elite fighters once the u.s. is out of the region. also calls for pace other furious war the biggest gathering of world leaders of the big. iran says talks with the international community on its uranium enrichment program could resume as early as next month but is he continuing to play political mind games find out all the latest details in our
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report from new york just ahead in the program. this is our team here in moscow thanks for watching us this hour i'm kevin zero in updating the top stories for you and for the first time ever a soyuz spacecraft has failed to undock from the international space station leaving the crew stuck in orbit for now two russian cosmonauts and a nasa astronaut were ready to return to warthe when an alarm signal technical problems the telling of a cover report. a difficult maneuver and not a good time to hear warning bells after spending nearly six months in orbit three of the current i says crew get held up trying to head for home while trying to undo the automatic lock between the space station and she is lending money you feel to open sister. an alarm went off aboard the space craft saying that the airlock isn't
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properly secured and the vehicle isn't isolated from the vacuum of space after a thorough inspection it turned out this was a false alarm and this is no ordinary gem block this journey home takes intense preparation and. they haven't slept for a day preparing for the landing checking the spacecraft costumes and testing the air tightness and now they have to go through that all over again which means another day of no wrist it's very tough but they're well trained with safety is the watchword here mission control center needs to be one hundred percent certain be forgiving that green light we could have proceeded with the undocking and landing today but we decided to do it tomorrow just to be sure there is nothing wrong with either the station or the landing module. now the problem is solved nothing should stop so you spacecraft from successfully detaching his plans in case of emergency in case the spacecraft fails to undock again there's always
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a back up module that they came here to for i back to earth and there's always plan c. as then by say you spacecraft that's ready to take over for the isis and bring the stranded crew safely back to earth not only the r.t. kind of moscow region. they get all. elite country terror killed run by america's intelligence agency of no take in the u.s. led war beyond afghanistan those are the claims in a new book called obama's wars by veteran journalist bob woodward it here reveals that a secret army of some three thousand afghan fighters said to hunt down the taliban of no infiltrated pakistan but as artist reports the fact that the cia being managing a covert afghan squads haven't really been. closed secret. u.s. officials for some time have been talking quite openly and brazenly about secret armies operating here although these officials speak anonymously some of them have
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gone so far as to actually brag and boast that some of their most effective counterinsurgency efforts have been thanks to groups like this now in a book that will be released next week and titled obama's war was written by bob woodward he suggests that there are as many as three thousand afghan assassins who have been directly trained and funded by the cia to carry out can design operations in which they capture and kill al qaeda and taliban fighters and leaders here in afghanistan and also across the border in pakistan and this is something that is not going to go down well with his there has always been a red light on u.s. forces operating here in afghanistan not to cross over into pakistan and this coupled with the fact that the u.s. has been firing missiles from unmanned u.s. drone aircraft or to rate higher than the bush administration does point to an enlargement of the u.s. president barack obama's closer to go in the region that is the million dollar
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question what does happen to these heavily trained heavily equipped and heavily funded groups if and when the us uses interest in this part of the world this is a decades old strategy we're not talking about something new we're talking about a system when for whatever reasons it is not politically or economically or militarily viable to. the united states to take some kind of direct action it employs proxy armies the same thing or a very similar type of operation happened in iraq against al qaida there we saw the same thing happening back in the one nine hundred eighty s. here in afghanistan when the cia sponsored which if you didn't take on the soviets and very often people refer to this as the sole the dog option a throwback to the seventy's and eighty's when the us sponsored disquiets in countries in latin america to take on its enemies all these policies reporting there from afghanistan's capital kabul while thoughts about the story from the think tank project for pakistan of the twenty first century says the death squads
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may become a major source of problems for both afghanistan and pakistan. the united states continues to rely on warlords in afghanistan when when i heard about the mercenary force of three thousand well trained up guns i still there's one part of the story that is still missing and that is where these three thousand of gun volunteers for this mercenary army came from and i have no doubt about the answer to this question and that is they came and they were recommended by some of the warlords of course as you know there is a there's a problem of loyalty and enough to understand you cannot recruit people without knowing exactly where they coming from so most of this three thousand force must have come recommended from some of the warlords and these warlords are really milking the u.s. government and the u.s. military they're making a lot of money and of course we all know the story of what happened in toto back in november and in december two thousand and one when it was some of bin laden actually from tora bora thanks actually to the very allies of the u.s.
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military the of gone warlords who some of them according to reports took money and let many almost one thousand al qaeda fighters really skate so you really these are really shifting loyalties in these three thousand fighters must have come from somewhere and they must have loyalty is to some warlords inside afghanistan and this confirms actually that we will have problems about these militias and these mercenaries getting out of control at some point in the future. this is our team from moscow coming up ahead in the program tonight to close up the want to journey that explores the ethnic diversity of the succulent region. what's to come in but before that iran's president says his country is ready for dialogue on its nuclear program and that will lead the negotiations which could take place in october that's despite its competent talk at the u.n. general assembly where he also claimed america could be behind the nine eleven attacks come to us delegates to walk out. this friday is
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actually the first time in these last couple of days that mahmoud ahmadinejad has finally said that dialogue with the international community on iran's richmond program is a possibility and that these talks could come as early as october after being halted last year and this is really being seen over here as the first more or less constructive comments made by the iranian president in these last couple of days in new york because we have been seeing endless political mind games directed at the international community coming from the president's where he was suggesting that the format being suggested by the international community is not sufficient enough is not satisfactory where he said that the possibility of the united states tries to attack. the richness facility is also saying that the united states is still trying to dominate the world and so on really not a constructive approach to getting any results on the table so law but earlier this
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week at a meeting of the five permanent members of the security council plus germany there was an urge for iran to get back to negotiations and apparently at least for now he has agreed to doing this and getting down again sitting down together for dialogue and of course this comes as negotiations were on hold last year which led to the united nations security council adopting a fourth round of sanctions against iran and we heard this thursday that the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said that iran can become. an economic sanction free nation if tehran meets certain conditions and these conditions are following the cooperating with the international atomic energy agency as well as signing up to a range of nuclear nonproliferation international agreements and really lifting all suspicions of the international community and proving that it has peaceful intentions that it's really interesting how mahmoud ahmadinejad changes his mood and his approach to dealing with the rest of the world almost every other day and
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it's true that we saw a common. from him but really tried to push the buttons of the of american politicians here in new york when he addressed the un general assembly barack obama has already reacted saying that i didn't shards claims that most of the world believes that america was behind the attacks of nine september eleventh has basically called this hateful and offensive. there were three viewpoints first that a very powerful and complex terrorist group able to successfully cross all the years of the american intelligence and security card we don't hear talk this is a privilege of going which has been supported mainly obligated by american statesman so you can get some segments within the u.s. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining american economy and its grips in the middle east in order to steve design a screechy the majority of the american people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view even though these comments made
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headlines all over the united states all over the mainstream media certainly it's interesting that nobody really expected anything different than the actions from mahmoud ahmadinejad it's traditional that he make speeches that last around forty minutes even though they're supposed to last fifteen and that he always uses the opportunity to lash out at the united states and of course we did see the u.s. delegation walk out of the assembly hall as mahmoud ahmadinejad was making his speech but again this is also not very new because it's seen as a sort of regular diplomatic slap in the face when a delegation is not happy about something that's being said they walk out this happens quite often and it's happened before this week and we have to mention of course that there have been lots of protests when it comes to mahmoud ahmadinejad we have been seeing dozens of people protesting getting out of buses with signs holding. messages such as ahmadinejad is a terrorist a tyrant a murderer you know hundreds of people outside the united nations throughout the
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week so definitely atman genocide has not just been in the headlines on people's minds but also on hateful signs at these protests. reporting from new york she was followed r.t. dot com tonight. the party of presidential candidate to be banned from the upcoming poll there after he's admitted to killing a kitten when he was a child you think they've overstepped the mark viduka gone too far do you think justified there is now your thoughts are t. dot com. take a look at this coming garry and priests quite clever i have to say as he shows obvious skateboarding skills to the parish that man gets a lot of street credit watch more of the master class at our t.v. dot com. they want to tell you watch dogs not only rejected a resolution proposed by arab nations to get israel to open up about its nuclear activities the proposal argued that israel's widely assumed atomic arsenal threatens regional security while the u.s.
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voiced concern that the draft text could jeopardize current fragile peace talks in the region but a former middle east diplomat says that israel must sign the nonproliferation treaty for peace to be possible. if one one middle eastern power would have would possess nuclear nuclear armaments and the others i guess security in the region would be under threat there's a leaders have maintained that they want they think that it is their national interest to be ambiguous as far as. their possession of little or not but of course the whole world the whole world knows that israel has nuclear weapons and we don't see any need for these weapons in the middle east in the middle east and of course we will never reach a comprehensive peaceful settlement as as long as israel hasn't joined the
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n.p.t. and hasn't accepted the additional protocols of the of the n.p.t. with this week's arctic forum here in moscow looking at its projected mineral wealth the polar ice caps never been hotter later. across two program zones in on whether the international scramble for a slice of the profits could be done without ecologically costing the. ok in energy which is drilling off the coast of greenland at the moment. you know there aren't all the vessels available there if something goes wrong that they were able to call on in the gulf of mexico and as greenpeace is more than happy to point out or oil breaks up much more slowly in the arctic area than it would in the gulf a large well as you want to jump in here what really jump in and say that there is first of all most annoying is on the shallow shelf in the arctic they're also the
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one that we people will explore in the future but the beach oh this is of course that we start should you actually try to take it out also i think they will. and it's not a thing that the first day you start to explore then it's too late if you fight because then the economy probably goes in the greed as you say. crosstalk with the people around the table was a good watch you can catch peter on this channel later this hour tonight more today's news from around the world brief before the straightly is a live picture of this president says that awarding the commonwealth games to new delhi was wrong john codes added that the multinational body behind the event didn't have the resources to ensure preparations were done properly or on time some countries taking part of delaying their arrival because of concerns over incomplete buildings and squalid conditions in the athletes' village the six billion dollars games are due to start next week. japan's release to chinese fishing boat captain
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who was arrested more than two weeks ago he was detained after an apparent police uma two japanese coast guard vessels in the taiwan beijing says the detention was illegal and sent a plane to bring it back instead because the biggest diplomatic dispute between china and japan a new. poll of and so a serious business but not for this senior swiss politician. i was minister hundred of murder succumbed. you can see the fits of giggles during a recent speech they would expect to me last we found when discussing spice. it looks like you should i barely comprehensible bureaucratic jargon he had to tackle got the better of his funnybone his stellar performances one hundred i am sitting around. all the way tonight are closer to him take another road trip to bring you the very best of russia and it's coming right up.
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so tonight we're heading seven thousand kilometers from moscow to the country's far east let's take a look the map see red is russia's biggest island sakhalin is also one of the country's most prosperous regions too as you can see it's located not far from japan it was the scene of territorial struggle between moscow and tokyo in the early twentieth century in the late one nine hundred thirty second became home to thousands of koreans sent their budget is cheap labor party's election as yes he spoke to members of a unique unity there we still call the island their home. artie's close up team continues its inside in the circle in region in the russian far east and this time we'll talk about what this region is like in terms of its social structure now this region has more than half a million residents predominantly russian more than eighty four percent of the
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people living in the circle in ireland and everywhere around the region are ethnic russians also we have less than six percent of ethnic koreans the diaspora which was sent here by japan at the time when this this island was occupied by the land of the rising sun and the korean diaspora in the sakhalin is the largest of all russia we know that all of us half a million koreans living in every way across russian mainland but the biggest chunk of this diaspora is living in here in the circle and region and we did a report with inside on the tragic story of these labor migrants in this part of russia let's have a look at this report right now. korean team you and deborah first to be court judge a court russian style this nineteen year old man worked and suffered in school mines for more than four decades under two different political regimes he still remembers the night his life changed completely. the soldiers came to our village in korea in
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one thousand nine hundred three and dragged me and some of my family out of our house they said they were taking us to sakhalin to work in a mine and promised we would only be there for two years but as you can see i'm still here. kim lives in a small mining village in eastern sakhalin home to several hundred people who share his story koreans were sent to sakhalin by japan as forced labor migrants to work and call mines thus they supply talk with resources needed for the war. the japanese occupation ended more than six decades ago and most of the coal mines are no longer operational but the koreans are still here. just under a thousand koreans were sent to cycling by talk while their country was on the japanese rule. now there are almost fifty times as many living on the island and if the third generation has adapted to life here some of
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the older people who see themselves as forced migrants still dream of going back given their holiday gatherings turn into political rallies as you can demand historic justice. this organization deals with we've got three ation and has helped more than fifteen hundred koreans return home over the past twenty years its president says this number would be higher if talkee or provided help. because. as we believe japan is guilty of causing our situation in the first place since nine hundred eighty five we've heard tokyo apologize twice but it hasn't gone anywhere from there there's been no action that's why we rely on our own resources and help from russia and south korea. moskos stance is to assist the report's relation of the cycling koreans and local authorities say they try to do just that but the number of people wanting to leave is diminishing every year but it is going to
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school with a but will fully cooperate with local green organizations on the pattern but ethnic koreans are getting more and more into south and in life they held positions an administration there is successful in regional business and they get a good education that's why some even come back after a patch nation to korea he. says he'd happily return to korea but all of his family are here so like many within the diaspora he sees no point in leaving his home even if this was not the home he chose. ski r.t. reporting from the cycling region. crosstalk. shortly as i mentioned to first his culture with a nice business news shallowest follies. hello and welcome to the business program with me charlayne was folly the world bank is planning to jump start lending in russia with
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a fund to buy bad debts from banks it's hope this will free up cash to the banks can ease credit the banks international finance corporation is in talks with bank and russia's deposit insurance agency set up in two thousand and eight to buy troubled lenders in russia believed to be around seventy billion dollars given that investors trade about twenty percent of non-performing loans this means russia has a potential market of thirteen billion dollars. now global mergers and acquisitions have risen for the third consecutive quarter and showing their strongest results in two years activity total six hundred billion dollars up thirty five percent from a year ago a recovery in financing options allowed companies to pursue deals previously first on hold during the crisis growth is being driven mainly by emerging markets in particular the bric countries of brazil russia india and china which accounted for a fifth of m n a activity so far this year activity in the u.s.
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has held steady offsetting a slow performance in your. films have a look at the markets now and here moscow the bulls have ended the week in the black box from earlier losses in the session the positive sentiment was in line with global trends after good monday factual data from the u.s. and the rise in german business confidence provided the most support was gaining willing to put five percent. and staying with the markets and it's been a quiet week here in russia although generally more positive than negative like. investment bank gives his verdict on the last five days people expect that there is going to be probably somewhere appreciation know what the open market committee in the united states and started coming to was very the market for the basic grievers going to be some increase in the first. so. somehow the picture comes from and so what we believe is going to be not happening until the we are the beginning of november the same time offered a small role where your beef industry we've seen some rather negative statistics
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coming out which was very much like nothing else but the more people there were sort of because political member of the of the market was trying to gain the metal unions of russian and gold mining. plans to raise up to four hundred million dollars by holding an i.p.o. on the hong kong stock exchange a source of investment fund says the company has already begun. the order book is to close the six table on pricing is to say thanks will be the second to russian firm to be listed in hong kong after aluminum producer. russia offers tremendous potential for comp and trading that's according to a group of international experts who've gathered here in moscow to discuss the possibilities for developing the markets one some say could be worth moving to no hoffa billion dollars a year would you know question has the details. carbon trading was one of the key elements for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to greet and vicki out a product called russia was the last to ratify the product which came into effect in two thousand and five under the trading system of government and kompany. volume
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of greenhouse gas if a company than once to invent more c o two equivalent than it can buy the right from in another company that will emit less the system also works between countries but even if the mechanism were widely adopted it still would not properly address the problem of greenhouse gas emissions the challenges are it's more from what your political level i mean we have you know china is a new power in the world so it is growing and it's growing its emissions we have the united states there is still a bit reluctant. to reduce the emissions because that will. you call me we have our europe european that's very active the first domestic carbon trading proposal was made by russia's knowledge his bank is burbank the c.m. thirty five companies made bids for seventy seven point five million tons of c o
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two equivalent meanwhile ukraine's national environmental investment agency wants to create and join carmen trading platform between russia and belarus carbon trading russia really just kicked off the approval fifteen projects which produce emissions study small scale so far we've only seen somewhere we have to know just under forty million tonnes of carbon to put out the context that surrounds three hundred fifty million euros but the potential is much greater however the private sector is has a tenant about making long term investment in content trading as the kyoto protocol exploits in twenty twelve and its success has not yet been a great the weak governmental support for emissions trading is adding to the uncertainty of these markets. with a long term view because we believe that there's five if we could do so we are observing in terms of finding a new international agreement we believe that we would be leaving it to you to constrain the war so far very little money has been made from carbon trading in
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russia without profit incentives it's hard to persuade private companies to get involved in the markets but the governments will get enough a chance to rewrite the rules in two thousand and twelve when the kyoto protocol expires and possibly build in more financial incentives for companies to go green might you know question a business i want to. measure up they face out they can always find more stories on our website called slash business.
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culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money mandating it is a charade even a lot of people out here am freezing assets as the polar caps melt interest in exploiting this but region's vast resources dating pace it could be years before the arctic. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on. wealthy british scientists on hold since that's not on the title of. the book. market finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines for june in two cars a report on our.
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minds. would be so much brighter if you knew about song from funniest impressions. moves from stunts on t.v. . every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing.


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